Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Stop the Insanity- YOU are not in control!

Are you a people pleaser? I think that most sanguines are. I know this because there have been times in my life I have been crippled by this disease. It is exhausting to run around pleasing others so much that you loose yourself in the chaos of the chase. 

First Samuel 13:1-14 gives us great insight into Saul's character. Saul was anointed to be the king of Israel. he had an amazing opportunity to enjoy a great future, reap huge benefits, and touch many peoples lives- but his huge character flaw was his downfall.

Saul was a people-pleaser.

He loved the approval of people so much- the roar of the crowd- that he disobeyed God's instructions in order to get it. God instructed Saul to wait until the prophet Samuel arrived to offer up an offering. When Samuel did not arrive at the expected time, the people became restless.

Hmm- take a moment of self reflection ...what do YOU DO when the people around you become restless?

Although Saul knew he was going to be disobedient he went ahead and offered the sacrifice that he had been forbidden to offer. What did he reply when asked as to why he did this? "Because I saw that the people were scattering from me..." (I Samuel 13:11).

Samuel told Saul that he did a foolish thing and because of this he would loose his kingdom.

Don't you just love it when your daily Bible reading slaps you in the face- that was me this morning with the above passage. I am also about to finish the amazing-  "So Long Insecurity you have been a bad friend to us" by Beth Moore. If you have not read it- get it today!

RESIST the urge to please others when GOD HAS GIVEN YOU a direct word. When we are a GOD pleasers and not a MAN pleasers we open up the door for God's blessing in our life.


Renee said...

Thank you! Once again, you have really spoken to me. I appreciate your willingness to be used by God to help us!

Paula said...

Sitting in church - my brother just referred to this and I had just read your blog before church. Guess God wanted me to hear this tonight!! Thanks for sharing.

Michelle Palmer said...

Thanks for the slap in the face. I think I will get that book...I love Beth Moore - girl's got a way with words.

Danan said...

Tag~ I'm it. Ouch! Good stuff, as always.