Wednesday, September 08, 2010

How do you hear from God?

I had a great conversation last night with a person. In the middle of the conversation we were talking about something and I said- well that is what God was saying to you. She said- Does God speak like that?

I began to think about this during my time of reflection this am. Otherwise known as blur until I had a HOT cup of tea. How do you hear from God? How does he speak to you?

As believers, hearing God speak to us is our right and our privilege. The Word says that we can know his voice and distinguish it from others; He give us discernment to identify His voice over the other voices in our lives. John 10:3-5

Just as any other relationship in our lives we have to spend time with HIM to get to know him. His voice will not be contrary to the wisdom and principles in the Bible.

I just usually have a feeling from the pit of my stomach and know that it is HIM. It is not an out-loud voice in my head, it is not me opening up the Bible and pointing at a page. It is not always someone else having a word for me. It is just a knowing.

I guess it is hard to explain isn't it?

How do you hear from God? What has he spoken to you? Have you ever felt to tell someone something and have not been brave enough to do it? Comment away!


Michelle Palmer said...

I usually know it's God when I feel to do or say something and I'm a nervous wreck about it. It's most always out of my comfort zone. My heart pounds and I think I'm gonna faint. Usually once I do it I am the one that gets blessed...guess thats what obedience will do.

Kathy McElhaney said...

Two very distinct times come to mind.

The first was a burden that woke me in the night regarding an unsaved loved one. It would not leave. I called her the next day, not even knowing what it was all about. About two weeks later she was in a car accident, flipped her car, but very little bodily harm.

The second was earlier this year when we were going through a very trying time. God's word spoke clear direction. The trial didn't end, but I had peace the rest of the time. I just kept repeating "abide in Me..."

Cylinda Nickel said...

Brenda Petoskey Hayes-
Aaahhh. Yes, welcome back. :) I was too lazy to log in and comment on your blog. Here's my description of God's voice spoke to me- sometimes it's like one of those little pen lights that spotlight something - either mentally or Sometimes it's on a random person that I just walk by, or part of the words on a page I'm reading, or something I hear spoken in church, out and about, radio... other peoples' conversations...

Sometimes I get a quick flash of a picture in my mind - I call them Kodak moments. When a person's name or face zips through my thoughts I TRY to stop right there... sometimes to pray, sometimes to reach out...

And at other times there are words... like a script that plays where my mind reads... or in my inside ear... I can hear them and at times they repeat...

Sounds a bit odd when written down... But when I write I realize that on the good days, the one where I hear and recognize His voice, this is what it means to ABIDE in Him... When He surrounds my day and my moments.

Cylinda Nickel said...

I think it is so awesome how he communicates with all of us in different ways. The main thing is that HE does communicate. Love his voice!

Paula said...

For me it's normally a very strong impression or "feeling in the pit of my stomach", as you described it. And the more I pray, the stronger the feeling gets. If it's something that I'm dealing with 'over time' then it seems like every sermon, every devotional time of Bible reading, everywhere I look, that feeling is reaffirmed. If it's something that I need to act on immediately (i.e. to pray for someone in a service, to speak to someone, etc.) then once I make the move to act on it, I feel an instant peace.