Tuesday, June 30, 2009


One word I would have to use to describe my girls during this move is:


They have never once complained about leaving their home, their church, their family, their school, and their friends.

They have not whined that they miss waking up in their rooms, or knowing where their toys and books were.

They have reached out and tried to make new friends at church, at camp, and even went to a birthday party.

Sometimes seeing them reach out to others in such bravery takes my breath away. It takes me back to the year I was in the 5th grade and had a horrible move. I went from living in St. Croix to Cochrane, WI. I remember being so lonely that I would go to the library instead of eat lunch- because I had no one to sit with. I remember the dreadful day when I was "caught" in the library by Stevie Evans. I was reading Judy Blume's book Blubber. He starting laughing at me and told the whole class that Blubber was in the library reading "Blubber." I can still hear their laughs.

I eventually had a great year and made friends it was a process- and not a quick solution.

Last night before bed- I prayed as I try to do nightly. But I really and truly prayed for my girls. That God would bless their bravery, continue to give them smiles, and give them good friends.

Last week when coming home from camp nightly I would pray over them as well. I prayed that God would surround them with good friends, Godly influences, and use their lives for him. Everyone at church has been so warm and welcoming them. It was a great time for them to come because they went right to camp, and got to meet a lot of their peers at the same time.

I can see that look on their face- you know that familiar look that you and I have had before. The one that you know that they really ARE brave- because they are doing it scared.

I am proud of you girls! You are both amazing!


Girly Muse said...

Oh man, I know how hard this is too and I'm so proud of them. They are sweet and brave and cute and strong and inspiring. :)

Melinda said...

I am so proud of your girls right now - and you know, I'm proud of you too.