Thursday, April 17, 2008

The Call, The Missionary, The Child, The Need

They have accepted the Call.

Who will accept their children?

They have gone to the uttermost parts of the earth.

Who will go the extra mile for their children?

They are serving while we sit at home in comfort.

Who will serve their children?

We see our children daily as they develop from babies to toddlers to children to tweens to teens to adults and then give us grandchildren.

Who will wipe our missionary’s tears when they send theirs off to the US for college?

When they miss their grand child’s first smile?

When they can’t hold unto their grandbabies pudgy little fingers or see that first step?

Who will stand up for their children?

I daresay that if a congregation of 140 people in the US without a Pastor called for help…men and women would be waiting in line to be their next leader!

Yet, who will minister to the body of 140 MKs across the world and over 300 now living in North America?

Who will touch their lives?

ü Answer their phone calls when they are lonely?

ü Help them when self-doubt floods in?

ü Celebrate their victories?

ü Give them quick hugs- and pray hard for them even into the night?

Who will let them know that it is okay to be the only MK in their country?

That there is a body of believers behind them?

That we think they are God’s number one Priority?

Who will?

We will!

But, we can’t without you. Help us Help our MKs!

Only 17 more partners at $50.00 a month will open the doors to their full time ministry office.

Is that person that will make a difference you?

Will you shape the life of an MK?

Sign up today to become partners with MK Ministries!

Be a contributor today- your $50.00 a month will make the difference around the world!


Vicki said...

aww that is a great looking father and son! I'm proud of Timo! I copy/pasted this into my blog - let's get the word out there!

Jim and Linda Poitras said...

I hope the number keeps falling and falling....