Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Quit stating the obvious and speak out in faith!

YOU are flat out amazing just the way you are. Stop comparing yourself, trying to look like someone else, trying to act like someone else. GOD MADE YOU as an amazing creature. HE DID it all by himself- all for his glory.

QUIT CRITICIZING everything you do- and putting yourself down in your own head. There is only one you. You are called, chosen, unique, inspired and equipped to do what you need to do today.

There are many that will have "words" to say about you- but people will always say things about those on the move- that are doing something right, and getting it done. Don't even worry about them. God loves you, your family loves you, your friends love you and that is enough!

Have a great Tuesday. Love what Pastor Tim Gaddy said on Sunday- Quit stating the obvious and speak out in faith today!


Paula said...

You are SO right! Your friends certainly love you...I know "cause I is one"!!!! :) :)

Unknown said...

Yea! Words of wisdom!