Wednesday, March 12, 2008


So ....again.... The Lord has been dealing with me
Why do I share these things?
I have no clue

But he is challenging me
To give of myself more fully
I am growing my prayer time
I have to admit to you
I was an intercessor
Well I am an intercessor

That has been on vacation

A vacation that I took on purpose
Because I feel like I failed
I hear from him on so many things
for so many people
but could not hear for myself
How could I not know I was carrying a baby without a heart- beat? That is the question my 8 year old asked
That is the question I have asked.

Why could my prayers not keep my mother-in-law on earth longer?
All of these things, these questions, these pauses in my life
Have caused me to take an intercession vacation

Not called by HIM
But by me.
So He intently has not let me rest on my “vacation”
So I am going back
Back to the closet

I am on a 21 day seek him challenge

Issued by Cylinda to Cylinda

After those 21 days
I will come out stronger
I will hit it- and increase my value in HIM
They say 21 days makes a habit
So….. I am challenging myself
to a higher level of
In praying
Reading His Word
Being healthy
emotionally, and spiritually
Twenty One

Veinte Uno

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