Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Is this what Busy Feels Like? June 6, 2007

Last night when driving home from visiting John's Mom at the hospital-

Emma Says...

So is this what Busy feels like?

LOL Yes this is it!! I said ...

"Well I do have a graduation on Friday you know."

I said I know and we will be there!!

Gotta love kindergarten graduations.


John's Mom does have congestive heart failure- good news is they finally are running test and will hopefully get to the bottom of it. She is still in hospital

My Mom who is in Ghana Africa did indeed pass out - twice and is doing better. They have an embassy Doctor that will see her today if she has worsened or not well. I bet the Next Steppers are really learning how to pray when she was out for 5-7 minutes and they were all laying hands on her. I told her next time to use another example of praying for the sick

Bottom line- Are we busy Yes!
Is God Good- You had better believe it!

Are we too busy to spend time with him? Are you kidding I can't keep away from Him. That is like saying no to Diet Coke- But only better!!

It is in my stressful, busier times I need him the most. Just to be able to be with HIM and exhale, to sit in his presence. To know that he has it all in a tidy package- all in control.

Now I really do have to get back to work. It is busy at work today too (wouldn't you know)

I love you all and thanks for your kind words about my silly blogs-

Remember today- What we are afraid of - The things that we think will be over our head- He has under his feet (look what happened to Peter when he stepped out of the boat and unto the water)

Don't be a dry boat talker like the disciples
Be a Wet Water Walker Like Peter

At least he took a leap of faith and TRIED!!

Okay I am going back to work for real now!

1 comment:

Melinda said...

We had a moment of silence for Emma's graduation while it was going on. Breathed a prayer for her to.