Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Heart-Prints....and the tattered American Girl Box! May 14, 2007

Saturday I was frantically trying to get prices of groceries in the 1950's for our “Price is Right” game for our Mother/Daughter Luncheon.

Emma came marching into the office with a tattered American Girl Box covered by a homemade heart shaped card which was taped to the top (very profusely taped I might add).

Here Mama …It’s for you.
For Me? I questioned…Just me?
She said Oh Mama you know it’s for you.

I pulled several pieces tape off and opened up the treasured box. Inside of the box was a rock, a dead ladybug, and two pet shop toys. She quickly said…I know that you know that I love pet-shops –but don’t worry these are two that I didn’t want anymore.

I said thank you Emma that was so sweet of you. She said was that so sweet it almost made you cry? I said almost Emma…. it is just perfect.

She later told me that the ladybug was not dead when she wrapped it up- I must not have been gentle enough with the box!

How about you? What gifts have you received that might not have been the most expensive but meant the most to your heart?

A quick note written by a friend
A gracious hug
A secret smile from your spouse
The security of knowing that your kids are tucked tightly in their beds at night
A warm word from HIM during your daily Bible Reading
A phone call from a long lost friend
A 10 minute break- just for you

The things that we treasure most in life and not the costly gifts, or things that most would even give a second glance to. The things we treasure are things that are given from the heart.

Have you left a heart-print on someone today? Because that is exactly what Emma’s gift did for me on Saturday morning. In the midst of the bustle of my day…a little girl walked into the room and left a heart print on my heart!

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